Wednesday, 24 July 2019Whether it’s a desk plant, a large pot plant or a planter integrated into a storage unit, there are plenty of ways to incorporate plants into the office. Not only can plants liven up an otherwise dull office, but there are also numerous benefits of plants in the workspace.
Reduced stress
A 2014 study by the New University of Technology Sydney (UTS) showed that staff who had plants placed in their offices showed reductions in stress levels and negative feelings, while those with no plants showed an increase. The research shows that just one plant can make a difference.
Increased productivity
According to a consensus of various UK studies, just being able to see nature in the workplace had a positive effect on mood, with green being the colour of productivity. Happier staff are more productive staff!
Cleaner air
Plants are natural air filters, removing pollutants from the air by absorbing these gases through their leaves and roots. The result is pure oxygen, helping staff to think more clearly, be more productive and maintain their health and well-being.
Attractive workspaces
A green workspace is a good-looking workspace. Using a variety of plants throughout the office not only adds colour, but makes a commercial environment much more visually appealing. Choosing plants that will thrive within an individual workspace is important – Mother in Laws Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata), Fiddle Leaf Figs (Ficus Lyrata) and Peace Lilies (Spathiphyllum) are some popular indoor choices.
Privacy & reduced noise
Using plants in the office can achieve privacy in a number of ways. Our Tambour and Sliding Door Cabinets can be used to partition work areas, or work areas from break out zones, and integrate some greenery using our Planter Boxes. Plants can also help to absorb excess sound in a busy environment.